People Are Talking About Our InnOHvations…
The first-ever crossword puzzle ran in a New York newspaper in 1913. But “word square” puzzles date back to the Roman era, and puzzles were even excavated from the ruins of Pompeii.
Our early market research has shown that Crossword Calendar and Crossword Clock have piqued the interest of cruciverbalists (crossword puzzle fans), tech/gadget afficionados, and interior design buffs. Thanks for your interest!
We made the list!

“This gift offers an entirely new way to display information. The month, day and date are showcased in a crossword display that all puzzle-solvers will love.”—Shop TODAY in its “48 perfect gifts for the tech fanatic in your life” list for 2023.
Media inquiries welcome!
Bob Sandelman is always happy to talk about his product development process (including the speedbumps along the way) and his obsession with clocks, calendars and puzzles. Use the the Contact form and Bob will get back to you…right after he solves today’s Wordle.
• Download high-resolution images of the products in a zipped file.
• Download a PDF with facts about the inventor and the products.