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MathMix Puzzle Book

Sharpen your pencil, then sharpen your mind!

MathMix is the math game that challenges your brain!

The MathMix puzzle book offers more than 100 puzzles with increasing levels of difficulty.

User-friendly game play

  • Solve MathMix by rearranging “Components” of number and operands to build a mathematical formula that reveals the “Answer.”
  • There are three levels of increasing difficulty. The levels of difficulty are based on the number of “Components.”
    • Easy: 5 Components
    • Moderate: 6 Components
    • Hard: 7 Components
  • All solutions are provided at the end of the book.

MathMix is one in a series of puzzle books designed to keep your gray matter in the pink!

MathMix Puzzle Book is now available on Amazon!

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