Time Redesigned: The Crossword Clock
Treat friends (or yourself) to a timeless gift
Anyone who plays Wordle, Scrabble, Boggle, Words with Friends, or even Sudoku knows the allure of a grid—all those empty boxes just waiting to be filled. Puzzle enthusiasts will love the Crossword Clock. It’s a new way to look at time!
This stunning clock will be a conversation piece in any home or office. Just like a crossword puzzle, hours and minutes are displayed both horizontally and vertically. Pair the Crossword Clock with the matching Crossword Calendar for a gift whose time has come! The clock and calendar can be displayed individually or side-by-side.
- Vivid LEDs display the current hour and minute in complete words with AM or PM illuminated as appropriate. It’s perpetually up-to-date!
- For quick reading, hours are highlighted in white LEDs, minutes are in red, and green LEDs indicate AM or PM.
- Eye-friendly typeface makes for easy reading in low light conditions.
- Choose from 5 brightness settings.
- The Crossword Clock updates every minute of the day. Most other word clocks change time only every five minutes.
- Hours and minutes read both horizontally across and vertically down. All other word clocks display the time horizontally and only in one color.
- The 132 letters in the grid are all used at least once in a full 24-hour day. There are no unused “filler” letters like in other electronic word clocks.
- This “Signature Series” product is personally signed on the back by its inventor, Bob Sandelman.
What about those “bargain” clocks?
Don’t be tempted by low-price word clocks. Let’s compare:
- Ours changes time every minute; theirs updates the time every five minutes.
- Ours tells time across and down; theirs is stacked words.
- Ours uses three colors of LED illumination; theirs has one color
- Ours has 5 brightness settings; theirs does not.
- Ours is 11” square; theirs is just 7.75” square.
- Ours has a battery backup in case of a power outage or clock relocation; theirs does not.