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A New Angle on Time: The Diamond Duo

This clock and calendar combo is a switch-hitter!

You don’t have to love baseball to appreciate the Diamond Duo clock+calendar – but it wouldn’t hurt! This clever timepiece in the iconic shape of a baseball diamond has your bases covered by displaying both time and date in rotation. It’s a home run!

The Diamond Duo is not just for baseball fans but for anyone who seeks one-of-a-kind timepieces. It’s an eye-catching addition to your home, office, or man cave.


  • Vivid LEDs display Arabic numbers for hours and months in white, minutes and date in red.
  • Time readings include AM/PM in green.
  • Time and date readings toggle back and forth every few seconds. Time-only or date-only display can be selected as well.
  • Eye-friendly typeface makes for easy reading in low light conditions.
  • The Diamond Duo updates every minute of the day. Most other word clocks change time only every five minutes.
  • This “Signature Series” product is personally signed on the back by its inventor, Bob Sandelman.
  • Download instructions.

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